
Bloody Hessian Lake

Back from when I resided in New York State, my Dad and I visited Bear Mountain State Park. 

It was so beautiful. The air was so crisp and the colors on the trees were like nothing else that I'd ever seen. Not to mention, this was a biiiiig lake. 

Of course, something so peaceful and beautiful has a somewhat chilling past. 

Hessian Lake was originally named Highland Lake, with the side nickname as Bloody Lake. This huge lake sits on the bottom of Bear Mountain, and on October 6, 1777, 2000 Tories, English and Hessian troops left Stony Point, NY and marched towards Bear Mountain. This overall force was split into 2, and the other half with General Vaughn and Sir Henry Clinton took a very narrow pass. Stuck between the lake and the steep Hudson bank-- here, Hessians were met by a strong American outpost. As they were positioned in the front, the Hessians took one of the largest casualties. 250 men died and their bodies were let go into the lake. Accounts from witnesses recall that the lake turned a bloody red with the Hessian's blood for days after. 

Who knew that such a beautiful lake would have such a terrifying history, but at least the Hessians had a peaceful resting place for ages to come. Prepare for more chilling related posts as Halloween comes closer! I can't lie, Halloween is hands down, my favorite holiday.

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