
It's 1784 and I'm drunk

Found from a reenacting friend! This picture is Jagers from 1784. Beautiful.
 Google translate worked pretty well! 

1631 first Hessian fighter units in the Thirty Years' War
1688 formation of a Jägertruppe (one company hunters on foot and on horseback ) , but it was finally the resolution
1758 Neustiftung
Dissolved in 1763 to huntsman (15 man)
1774-1784 set up again , then released
1786 reorganization as a Rifle Corps
1799 Rifle Battalion
1806 leave of absence

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1758 only 2 (about 200 men ) , then 6 companies (about 600 men )
1759 Hunters get 2 own artillery
Rifle Corps in 1786 with 1 Company
1787 4 companies

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1758 Major W. Treusch Buttlar
1759 Lieutenant Colonel of Lindau (Last Colonel , 1761 fallen)
1761-1781 Major of Wintzigerode (Last Colonel )

Staff officers in 1760
Commander : Colonel von Lindau
Major knowledge of Bach

Staff officers in 1762
Commander : Major of Wintzigerode
Major of Linsing

Company commander in May 1762

Hunters on foot
1.Kompanie : Major of Linsing
2nd company : Captain Schenck
3.Kompanie : Captain of Wurmb
4.Kompanie : Captain of Bentheim

Hunters on horseback
1.Kompanie : Major of Wintzigerode
2nd company : Captain of steel

Company commander in the Revolutionary War
1.Kompanie : Ecadron or Cavalry, in use from April 1777
2nd company : Captain John Ewald
3.Kompanie : Major Ernst Karl of Prueschenck (Last Lieutenant Colonel ) , in use from April 1777
4.Kompanie : Captain August von Wrede, from August 1776 Colonel Karl Emil von Donop , from April 1777 Captain A. von Wrede, from May 1779 Captain of Rough, vacant from August , 1781, Captain John Henry 1783
5.Kompanie : Captain Frederick Henrich Lorey , from November 1780 Staff Captain Karl Moritz von Donop ( last captain ), from December 1777 in use
6.Kompanie : Major Philip of Wurmb , in use from December 1777


Hessians in Literature: Sleepy Hollow

Washington Irving published the Legend of Sleepy Hollow in 1820. I was able to read it for free on my phone. This is one of the books that you can grab online with a ton of other pieces of old, classical literature. This is one of Irving's short stories. It's charming, descriptive, and short. Duh... after work tiredness, can't blame me.

I am personally not a fan of modern Sleepy Hollow spin offs. While Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow was a fun and creative movie, it by all means did not serve much homage to Irving. Sorry, I just can't help it as an English major. I wrote an entire paper basically explaining why the movie sucked.

The Hessian in Irving's work is a nameless trooper, who unfortunately had his head knocked off in an unknown Revolutionary War battle. While I don't want to give away Irving's story (it actually is very different from all of the movies, etc), his work revolves more around his character's personalities. Ichabod Crane certainly is a one of a kind major. I guess I can spoil a bit: Unreliable narrator. *Cough*

Irving's work mostly had me hooked because of his descriptions. I enjoyed his characters. They were pretty dimensional for their time period. What I liked the most was the descriptions of New York. Sleepy Hollow / Tarrytown was a half an hour drive south or so from where I lived. While I have never been there, I am familiar with the New York state landscapes and forests, mountains and rivers. Irving brought me back there, at least for a little while. 

Our headless friend was probably based off of German folklore about "The Wild Huntsman", a phantom who was sometimes missing his head.

Around 1776, the British occupied south of the Bronx river, and Americans situated themselves in Peekskill. Apparently, some Jagers were apart of some of the skirmishes. It was actually reported that a Jager's headless body was found after a battle and was buried in a grave by the Van Tassel family. Though, the body was found in White Plains, New York, which is 9 miles from Sleepy Hollow. Ironically enough, an American general, William Heath wrote about a defense on Halloween: 

"A shot from the American cannon at this place took off the head of a Hessian artillery-man. They also left one of the artillery horses dead on the field. What other loss they sustained was not known"

History is pretty cool.


Sights to See

Today, I feel like posting a piece of art.

This German double barrel flintlock rifle has a carved stock and gold inlaid barrels. It is marked "Gottfr Kreisler and Weigandt in Leipzig"


Tiger Balm & You!

Tiger balm. So cool, licked with menthol. Tiger balm.

My friend Heather! really wanted to know what tiger balm was because I mentioned using it due to work related pains. I didn't know what tiger balm was either, until I tore a back muscle by reaching for something. So lame. Heimerich bought tiger balm for me. Despite the foreign looking packaging, you can find this stuff in any drugstore-- CVS, Rite Aid, etc. Ask the pharmacists if you can't find it! 

This stuff does have a really cool history though. In 1870, there was a herbalist in Burma who developed tiger balm, but asked his 2 sons to complete the product while he was on his death bed.

These sons, the Aw brothers, promoted the finalized product. Tiger balm is named after one of the sons, Aw Boon Haw, whose name was tiger in Chinese. 

Now that you know... people have been using this stuff for ages! Use it for headaches, torn muscles, soreness, back, shoulders... anything you could probably think of, tiger balm will feel pretty good. 

To quote the ingredients on my jar:
menthol, camphor, demontholised mint oil, cajuput oil, clove bud oil, and cassia oil.


How to Chase Off Work Stress

Work can be terrible for some of us. Especially for some of us stuck in the dull retail world. I've developed some rituals to keep me sane after some odd hours of having no customers...

Do something fun on break
 Do something. Cigarette breaks still give you free time to think. Bring a game or read a good book-- do something that makes you look forward to break.

Bring lots of water
People may think to grab a coffee to chase off tiredness, but the afternoon slump can be fought off better if you keep hydrated. Coffee will just dehydrate you in the long run.

Keep chores spread out and share them if you live with someone. Keep the cleaning upkeep so it doesn't just pile up on you. Do the same with bills-- try paying some a few days ahead of time so the due dates won't sneak up. You don't need to come home after a long day and find that your internet or electric is out.

For Me?
Buy yourself something small and cheap on a daily basis, but don't over do it. Just keep this tip in handy for when you really need the extra motivation. Don't go crazy either. Sometimes I will buy an on sale Revlon lipstick from the Dollar General in the mall for 2.99.

More Bang for your time
Get comfortable ASAP when you get home... a no brainer. But this definitely let's you enjoy your max amount of time at home. For me, it's undressing, putting a heating pad on (tore a back muscle recently) and doing something fun. 

If you live somewhere temperate or warm, especially for the winter, go outside in the sun as much as possible. Go outside on breaks as well. On my off days, I always try to reserve a day to go to the beach with Heimerich for a few hours. 


Scent Chips are Good

See these guys? These are scent chips and they are a lot better than candles. I was more than excited when I splurged and got the Bath and Body works candles and they turned out not to release that much smell. And well, I've been talking about smells a lot because my apartment unfortunately smells like hallway sometimes. The candles didn't cut it. They smelled great if I sticked my nose right to them, but they didn't really help make the living room smell better. My condo is only maybe 500 something to 600 something sq ft. And the living room is pretty small. So I went back to the scent chips store near me and got a box (11.00 something odd dollars) of Pumpkin Spice. This stuff is more powerful and a lot more relaxing. Plus, you just make a one time buy for a burner. There's A LOT of flavors for Christmas, I'm really going to have a hard time picking my scents, haha! Seriously, try scent chips instead of candles. There's a lot more combinations than the example pictures about, and just think that you can mix smells too.


Bloody Hessian Lake

Back from when I resided in New York State, my Dad and I visited Bear Mountain State Park. 

It was so beautiful. The air was so crisp and the colors on the trees were like nothing else that I'd ever seen. Not to mention, this was a biiiiig lake. 

Of course, something so peaceful and beautiful has a somewhat chilling past. 

Hessian Lake was originally named Highland Lake, with the side nickname as Bloody Lake. This huge lake sits on the bottom of Bear Mountain, and on October 6, 1777, 2000 Tories, English and Hessian troops left Stony Point, NY and marched towards Bear Mountain. This overall force was split into 2, and the other half with General Vaughn and Sir Henry Clinton took a very narrow pass. Stuck between the lake and the steep Hudson bank-- here, Hessians were met by a strong American outpost. As they were positioned in the front, the Hessians took one of the largest casualties. 250 men died and their bodies were let go into the lake. Accounts from witnesses recall that the lake turned a bloody red with the Hessian's blood for days after. 

Who knew that such a beautiful lake would have such a terrifying history, but at least the Hessians had a peaceful resting place for ages to come. Prepare for more chilling related posts as Halloween comes closer! I can't lie, Halloween is hands down, my favorite holiday.


Fall, Fall, Fall in Florida

Leaves, cold air, fires, etc. Up north is celebrating fall while Florida still continues it's thing. Fall for Florida is a wonderful thing. We don't have the changing of seasons, but the temps have went from the upper 90s to a comfortable low 82/84 degrees and it looks like it will be staying this way for a while. Most Floridians celebrate with the beach, sunsets and a good beer. 

Now that I have found myself a job (took me 3 months! Heimerich is still looking...) I decided to treat myself and my condo. Today I bought 3 candles from Bath and Body Works. 

Behold Nutmeg & Spice No. 1, Cranberry Woods and Sweet Cinnamon pumpkin. Right now you can get 3 mini candles for 10$. Yeah, Bath and Body works is kind of expensive, but you pay for the name. If anyone is looking to treat themselves with some good aroma therapy, these are worth the splurge. I decided to save the pumpkin one for Halloween-- this one smells the sweetest and most tempting of all 3. I decided to burn Cranberry Woods first! As a girl who was born and raised in New Jersey, I grew up very close to Double Trouble park. One of my favorite times of the year was to visit the cranberry harvest. Though the cranberry harvest didn't smell, all of the vivid colors made you imagine a smell. This candle is probably a spot on representation and brings me back to a crisp, fall day in the woods in New Jersey. Boy, do I miss it. If you want to treat yourself, go for this! 


A fine line with Campfollowers

Even Captain Ewald himself couldn't resist commenting on the Jagers. 

"...2 Anspach Regiments each of 600 men, and a Jager company of 116. The recruits for both companies consisted of a few adventurers and experienced Jagers, and they were generally fine looking men... The Anspach Jager Company, consisting of skilled forestry Jagers who were the handsomest young men one could imagine, also arrived here." 

Sometimes, history does point to Jager units sitting on an opposite end of a spectrum. Larger Hessian units were made of a hodge-podge of men, many of lower society. It is so difficult to find research that mentions women of the Jagers specifically. What's a girl to do? 

My search will be on going... as usual. 

There's always room for improving impressions historically speaking.