
Winter Woes

How many people can stand winter's ugliness after several months? I don't mean bleak scenery or the cold (although some people like me might find that ugly). I'm talking about winter's backlash of ugly on us! Dry skin, dry scalps, dry face, itchy shoulders and hard to reach spots. I'm spoiled-- for winter and sometimes spring break (this spring break is looking bizarre and unplanned), I visit Florida and roll around on the beach. We all know the amazing feel of exfoliating sand on skin, after a day or two, you'll be glowing! I find that the itchiness intensifies after I lay down for the night, because then my brain has nothing to do but think about how itchy my skin is. It sucks. Also, first world problems.

This gelatinous mess is a mixture of pure olive oil and sugar. Want to feel like you rolled around on a beach and got some smooth feeling, exfoliated skin? Mix some olive oil and sugar together, seriously. I never used a set amount of sugar or olive oil-- I've always eye balled it and mixed together however much I needed to make the mixture. I suggest using a little bit less olive oil than sugar, but the sugar should be completely mixed and mashed together with a spoon. I've used this in a bath and soaked in the olive oil water. Baby, was I slick and feeling better afterwards. If you have one of those sponge on a stick things if you need to reach that impossible spot that I mentioned before. After a few sighs of complaints, I get my other half to do it for me. Go on and beat winter's wrath! 

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